We have answers to some of your burning questions.

Level 1: Certified Associate Coach

Inclusive of the following:

  • Class contact
  • Supervision
  • Mentorship
  • 100 hours of practical coaching
  • Exam and assignments
    1. Life Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    2. Psychology/Psychodynamics based Certification. 40hrs (40CCEU)
    3. Emotional Intelligence Based Certification. 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    4. Emotional Mastery Course 20hrs (20CCEU)
    5. Energy Psychology Based Certification.
    6. Emotion Freedom Technique. 40hrs (40CCEU)
    7. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    8. Neuroscience Based Certification.
  • NLP 70hrs (70CCEU)
    1. Attend one (1) refresher course.
    2. Africa Coaching Week (ACW)
    3. Attend at least two (2) of LCAN’s Empowerment trainings.

Level 2: Certified Advanced Coach
Inclusive of the following:
  • Class contact
  • Supervision
  • Mentorship
  • 250 hours of practical coaching
  • Exams and Assignment
    1. Life Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    2. Psychology/Psychodynamics based Certification. 40hrs (40CCEU)
    3. Advanced Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    4. Emotional Intelligence Based Certification. 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    5. Emotional Mastery Course 20hrs (20CCEU)
    6. Energy Psychology Based Certification.
    7. Emotion Freedom Technique. (1 & 2) 80hrs (80 CCEU)
    8. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    9. Thought Field Therapy 40hrs (40CCEU)
    10. NeuroScience Based Certification.
  • NLP (1 & 2) 170hrs (70CCEU)
    1. Attend one (1) refresher course.
    2. Attend Africa Coaching Week (ACW).
    3. Attend at least two (2) of LCAN’s Empowerment Trainings.

Level 3: Certified Professional Coach
Inclusive of the following:
  • Class contact
  • Supervision
  • Mentorship
  • 500 hours of practical coaching
  • Exams and assignments
    1. Life Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    2. Executive Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    3. Performance Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    4. Psychology/Psychodynamics based Certification. 40hrs (40CCEU)
    5. Advanced Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    6. Child Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    7. Organizational Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    8. Emotional Intelligence Based Certification. 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    9. Emotional Mastery Course 20hrs (20CCEU)
    10. Energy Psychology Based Certification.
    11. Emotion Freedom Technique. (1,2 & 3) 120hrs (120 CCEU)
    12. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    13. Thought Field Therapy 40hrs (40CCEU)
    14. NeuroScience Based Certification.
  • NLP (1,2 & 3) 210hrs (210CCEU)
    1. Attend one (1) refresher course.
    2. Attend Africa Coaching Week (ACW).
    3. Attend at least two (2) LCAN Empowerment trainings.

Level 4: Certified Master Coach
Inclusive of the following:
  • Class contact
  • Supervision
  • Mentorship
  • 1500 hours of practical coaching
  • Exams and assignment
    1. Life Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    2. Executive Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    3. Performance Coaching 120hrs (120CCEU)
    4. Psychology/Psychodynamics based Certification. 40hrs (40CCEU)
    5. Advanced Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    6. Child Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    7. Organizational Psychology 40hrs (40CCEU)
    8. Emotional Intelligence Based Certification. 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    9. Emotional Mastery Course 20hrs (20CCEU)
    10. Energy Psychology Based Certification.
    11. Emotion Freedom Technique. (1,2 & 3) 120hrs (120 CCEU)
    12. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 40hrs (40 CCEU)
    13. Thought Field Therapy 40hrs (40CCEU)
    14. NeuroScience Based Certification.
  • NLP (1,2 & 3) 210hrs (210CCEU)
    1. Attend one (1) refresher course.
    2. Attend Africa Coaching Week (ACW).
    3. Attend at least two (2) LCAN Empowerment trainings.

Level 5: Fellow
Inclusive of the following:
  • Class Contact
  • Supervision and Facilitation
  • Mentor Coach.
  • 4000hrs of practical coaching
  • Writing articles for recognized Institutions.
  • Offering Trainings related to LCAN competencies.
  • LCAN Newsletter contribution.
  • Writing Research Work
  • Attend Africa Coaching Week. (ACW).

  • Be part of Nigeria’s foremost coaching body.
  • Continuous personal, professional development and business growth - Through access to training and resource materials.
  • Accrued CCEU points. (CCEU = Continuous Coaching Education Units).
  • Coaching Accreditation.
  • An opportunity to be listed and positioned on Nigeria’s most credible database for coaches, and can be searched for via niches, location, website, social media handles, contact details.
  • Enjoy Discount on Coaching Certification courses and programs from LCAN Accredited coaching organizations.
  • Attend Refresher Courses for FREE with some of these member organizations.
  • Ability to Plan Career progression and professional growth.
  • Enjoy credibility through the use of LCAN’s logo on your website and documents depending on your membership level.
  • Discounts on products and services of partnering organizations in different sectors like hotel, halls, event management, book stores, brand consultants etc
  • Enjoy Mentoring, Supervision and Educational Programs that would enhance your coaching career/business.
  • Have Free access and opportunity to network with Leaders in the Nigerian Coaching Industry.
  • Enjoy Brand Association and Recognition.
  • Opportunities for Partnerships and Collaboration.

a. Training that is accepted as coach-training includes:

  • Training from an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).
  • Training from an LCAN Accredited coach training organization.
  • Fulfilled LCAN requirement for Coach specific training hours, content and experiential learning.
  • Training from a provider that has incorporated the core competencies of LCAN in their coaching certification program.
  • Training that curriculum content is originally developed by or franchised to the institution by an accredited coach training institution.
  • Training that incorporates and teaches the ethos of coaching as a profession. (Not teaching, counselling, advising etc).

b: For Such institution, it must have and deliver in person or virtual facilitation.
  • You must have been coaching for a minimum of 5 years.
  • You must have been delivering coach training for a minimum of 5 years.
  • You must have developed and own your own authentic and original modules/content.
  • You must have been a member of a coaching body for 5 years
  • You must deliver any of the following coach training certifications.

Click on the member’s directory, to choose the coach that is most appropriate for you.

It is an empowerment initiative by LCAN to help new coaches cut their teeth in their personal growth and professional journey.

You must have paid your annual membership dues to date.
